Participation of USP doctoral students in the FALAH project training session

The French Embassy in Fiji covered the travel expenses of two doctoral students from the University of the South Pacific (USP), Ms. Jyoti Prasad and Mr. Filipe Veisa, to participate in the training session of the FALAH (Family Farming, Lifestyle and Health) at the National University of Vanuatu, in Port-Vila, from October 17 to 21, 2022. Alongside doctoral students from the University of New Caledonia (UNC) and the National University of Vanuatu ( UNV), they participated in workshops on building survey tools and data storage, as well as accessing and using digital spatial data and remote sensing data, existing databases.

These training courses were conducted by experts from the University of New Caledonia, the National University of Vanuatu, the IRD (Institute of Research for Development) and the IAC (Agronomic Institute of New Caledonia) . The students concluded the training week with the creation of their poster, presenting their doctoral research work and the existing links with the FALAH project.

The doctoral training session, which was held before the FALAH workshop at the National University of Vanuatu, was a real opportunity for USP students who acquired new tools for their research projects. They greatly appreciated sharing their practices and knowledge with other doctoral students from member universities of the Pacific Islands University Research Network (PIURN). They also strengthened their scientific explanation and reasoning skills by learning how to create an effective poster to present their research. The posters were exhibited during the FALAH workshop, aiming to present the research work of doctoral students to the partner universities and research institutes of the FALAH project.

The FALAH project received funding from the European Union and the H2020 program for research and innovation, under the reference Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions RISE No 873185.   

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