PIURN Signs MoU with PIDF

During the 3rd PIURN Conference held on October 8-10th 2018 in French Polynesia, PIURN signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with its first-ever external partner, the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF).

It will serve as a general framework for cooperation between the two organizations and is intended to facilitate research collaboration on Pacific green and blue economy.

The MoU touches on the following aspects of partnership:

  • Facilitating the collaboration between academic and research institutions in the Pacific for the advancement of Pacific Green and Blue Economies;
  • Collaborating in publications on subjects relevant to both organizations;
  • Keeping each informed of activities organized by the respective organizations;
  • Supporting each other’s missions, including through submissions and implementations of joint initiatives;
  • Contributing to each other’s websites, newsletters, etc., on topics relevant to the audience of both organizations.

The Secretary General of PIDF, Mr. François Martel, was invited to do a presentation during the meeting of the PIURN Board held on October, 10th of 2018.

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